Friday 27 January 2012

Analysis of the Bodmin College Magazine Front Cover

Target Audience- The primary target audience for the Bodmin College magazine is students that are aged 11-19 as these are the ranges of ages within the college. Although there is also a secondary target audience aimed at the students parents/guardians who are of an older age than the students. The majority of people reading this magazine will fall into the audience demographic at band C1 down to E.

Masthead- The masthead is not fit for purpose as it doesn’t stand out because the colours aren’t clear against the busy background and it is also too small which means it doesn’t jump out at the reader. Whereas in conventional magazines the masthead would take up an 1/8 of the cover making it stand out more as it should do to serve it’s correct purpose. Also the text used to create the masthead is outdated which doesn’t fit in with the target audience of students as the overall masthead isn’t what you would expect a typical student aged 11-19 to like.

Layout- The overall layout doesn’t fit the general layout you should see on a magazine cover as it has three images that are all poorly taken long shots making the cover look too busy. The layout should have one main image with text overlayed and maybe a couple of smaller images, this layout looks far more professional and doesn’t look too heavy for the reader. The cover should also have little teasers that get the audience’s attention so that they want to read the magazine, whereas this is lacking here with just a jumble of images it doesn’t make anyone really want to read it. This also goes against the target audience as students want something to look good and professional with something interesting on the cover that gets their attention with something they care about reading.

Colour- This cover has generally too many colours used together that make it almost sickly for the reader to look at, as well as taking away any professional aspect to it. A typical magazine cover would have a colour scheme to it that makes it look professional whilst remaining appealing to the reader. Whereas this magazine cover uses colours that don’t fit well together, with the colour of the writing not even showing up against the contrasting colours of the picture behind it. This makes the whole display of the cover unclear for the reader with everything blending together and nothing standing out. These busy colours go against the conventions of magazines that usually only use 3-5 colours at the most. This again doesn’t cater for the target audience as these different colours create an old fashioned yet young feel that all age ranges aren’t going to be appealed by.

Images- The images used go against the usual conventions of a magazine as there are three images just thrown together on the front whereas a usual magazine would have just one main image with maybe a few smaller ones. Also the long shots of these go against the usual main image being either a close-up or medium shot, as well as this the quality of the images is low with them being blurred and making the people in the images look strange colours. Also the content of the images with mainly girls being shown in them supports Laura Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze and shows that this might be showing them as an erotic desire for the reader. Also the content of the images is all about dancers which shows that it doesn’t appeal to all of the audience with only catering to the needs of dancers or those that have seen these dancers, therefore not bringing in all of the target audience.

Typography- A big thing that takes away the professional aspect to this is that lots of different types of text are used whereas this wouldn’t have been done in a usual magazine. It also doesn’t have any teasers which mean the reader doesn’t get any information about what is going to be included in the magazine. As well it doesn’t have an issue number which means the reader doesn’t know how many have come before this one, so they don’t have any extra information on the magazine which they are likely to want to know.

Conclusion- Overall I think this magazine is not fit for purpose as none of the aspects fit the common conventions of a magazine. As it goes against these conventions it doesn’t appeal to a reader because it isn’t interesting and doesn’t capture their attention. Also from these features looking too busy and not professional enough I can connote that the target audience would not find it appealing enough to read. As it doesn’t look like anything they would read away from the College they wouldn’t like the difference and would most likely find it tacky. Also without the lack of a big story jumping out on the cover they wouldn’t even be interested in anything that the magazine has to offer, as they would assume the content is as bad as the cover. 

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