Friday 9 March 2012

Analysis of Kerrang Feature Article

Target Audience- The target audience for this feature article is for both girls and boys aged 16-22 as the band being interviewed is Paramore it is more likely that younger people are going to of heard of them and be interested in reading about them.

Images- The use of images on this feature article are effective as they break up the writing and add interest for the reader. The use of having a main image on one page with writing layered over the top means that the focus will go on the image at first before they see the writing. The same with the use of images on the second page as there are a lot of them surrounding the writing it ensures that the pages don't look text heavy. The actual content of the images is effective in itself because they are exclusive images from Paramore on the road meaning that any fan will instantly want to read this article even if it's just so that they can look at the images. This links back to the target audience being younger and most likely being fans of Paramore because the more exclusive images there are the more likely they are to want to read it.

Layout- This layout works well because of the good balance between the text and images because it ensure that it doesn't look overpowering with text. This is done through the stand alone texts that are put around the page on notepad style images. This adds different areas of interest for the reader because it makes the article more interesting as well as still giving the information that the reader wants.  Something thing that links to common conventions of a magazine article is the columns being the same size and looking equal as this makes the magazine look professional because the text isn't messy. As well as this another common convention is making sure that the images have a strict layout so that they don't look as if they were just thrown on the page. This has been done nicely on this feature article as every image has a simple white border around it making each image look like it's in it's correct place. A nice example here of something that links the two pages together to ensure that there is a clear flow is the quote on the left hand page because it links the reader to what they will find in the contents of the article on the next page. This is a common thing done in magazines to give the reader a quote that will make them want to read the magazine. As especially with this target audience range after reading something that is interesting or intriguing you can't help but want to know more.

Colour- This article has a clear colour scheme with the use of grey, red and white being used throughout both pages. This works well as the neutral colours of black and grey give a professional and less in your face feel to it. While the red adds the vibrancy that is needed to get the readers attention to the article. The use of a colour scheme is also effective at giving a link across the two pages because it means that you can follow the pattern and therefore can tell that the article is continuing. The use of colours also helps to make the typography interesting because it makes certain parts of the text stand out more than others so that these have more emphasis. This is also done in this feature article through the use of bold and larger fonts to get the readers attention to certain parts. Like the conventional use of the starting letter being in bold and being larger. This is done to show clearly where the article starts and to attract your attention here. All of these uses link back to the target audience wanting something to stand out to them so that it looks good while still remaining a professional aspect so as not to look too garish.

Writing Content- From looking at how the article is structure you can see there is a clear convention of having a section that gives a background story so that the reader is informed before going into the interview. Although in this article the two are made completely separate with the interview being on the notepad stand alines and the background story being in the main text body. This gives the article two different areas of interest and would make the target audience want to read it more because you get an extra part of information. As there is the reviewer going over Paramore's successful year while being backed up with an interview from Paramore claiming it themselves. Something that is also clear in the text is that the tone is very informal to make the target audience feel more involved and relaxed this is apparent though phrases used such as "still have an ass load of incredible fans". As well as this tone of informality the writing also has rhetorical devices such as alliteration to make the text more interesting and dramatic for the reader, an example of this is "hot on the heels". This language captures the reader into the story more and is here to get the target audience involved so that they want to continue reading.

Conclusion- I think this feature article meets the needs of the target audience by capturing their attention in through both the exclusive imagery as well as the interesting text content. This makes it a good article because it isn't boring and is full of information that keeps the reader involved and gets them to keep reading.

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