Wednesday 28 March 2012

Adriana Curcio's 7 Top Tips For Fashion Photography

As I have decided that I want my music magazine to have a big influence of fashion within it, I decided that I should look into what makes a good fashion photo. When looking into this I found that professional fashion photographer Adriana Curcio has released her 7 top tips on how to do this. Below is an example of the outcome of Adriana's photos.

Adriana's seven top tips are:

  1.  Preparation- The most important thing you can do before a photoshoot is over prepare so that you know exactly what you want your outcome to look like before you start shooting.
  2. It's your concept- The idea needs to be yours and you need to control it, if what you produce isn't your vision then that will come across in the images.
  3. Move- You need to experiment from every angle when shooting this will help you to find your perfect shot.
  4. Be a director- Give the model direction, inspire them with your vision.
  5. Break the rules- Not everything needs to be lit perfectly or be completely flattering. Something can be found in high contrast and dramatic lighting. Bend and break the rules as you might be surprised with the outcome.
  6. Never stop shooting- Shoot as much as you can, the moment you start to stop is when you lose your creative energy and start to second guess yourself.
  7. Confidence- You have to believe in yourself and your work, the best way to learn is by completely throwing yourself into it.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research into fashion photography - very relevant considering your magazine style choice and target audience.
