Wednesday 28 March 2012

Where My Magazine Would Fit In The Institution

From looking into the magazines that big companies such as IPC Media produce, I think that my magazine is more likely to be produced by an independent company. I think this because my magazine is going to fit the genre of Indie so it isn't going to be like the generic magazines that are out there because it will have a more unique feel to it. As more unique magazines I have looked at such as i-D and Wonderland all have independent produces it would fit my magazine more to have an independent producer too. Especially as the larger companies that produce a wide variety of magazines produce magazines in a way that isn't anything new and is very generic. As this is the case I wouldn't want my magazine to look like any other boring magazine that is already out there so therefore I wouldn't want it to be produced by a major company.

As well as the fact that I wouldn't want it produced by a major company I also think that because my magazine is going to be just starting up with no big name or much money behind it. The major firms wouldn't have much of an interest in it because of it being so unique it would end up being a risk for them that they wouldn't want to take. While an independent company would be more likely to actually put money into you because they already work with magazines like that so they would be able to figure out whether the magazine would work or not. Therefore I think an independent company would be more beneficial for my magazine.

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