Friday 9 March 2012

Analysis of Spin Magazine Contents Page

Target Audience- The primary target audience for Spin magazine is for both genders aged 17-25 as this is the age range that are getting involved with current music and want to know what is happening now. The majority of people reading this magazine would fall in the audience demographic at band C1 down to E.

Layout- The layout used on this contents page is quite simple with there being one main image and a column on writing beside it. This works well because you have the focus on the image making it aesthetically pleasing while giving the information needed in a confined space that doesn’t make it look too busy. The layout is also effective because it keeps some aspects that same as the front cover which makes it flow better. An aspect such as keeping the masthead on the contents page but taking some focus off it by having an image overlaid makes it clear that it’s still continuing from the same magazine and keeps that professional appeal because the brand is constantly made clear. Another aspect that is shown clearly in this layout is that each feature mentioned on the cover is shown on the contents page so that the reader knows easily how to find which article. This is effective because it means whatever story on the cover attracted them in they can easily find. This links back to my target audience because they are young people that are constantly doing different things at once so they to easily find things without having to search hard.

Colour- The simple colour scheme that is shown on the front cover has been continued here onto the contents page creating a flow between the two pages that links them together meaning that a professional aspect is being created the whole way through the magazine. As the masthead is still presented at the top of the contents page this adds the colour of the red and white making this one of the bold things that stands out on the page. Although with the image overlaid that was a slight bit of pink in it this adds a different colour into the colour scheme and means that the masthead isn’t as in your face as it is on the front cover. The writing is kept the same with the colours being black and blue which keeps this the same as the front cover and again creating that link between the two. The main difference between the use of colours from the front cover is the fact that the ones used on the contents page are all slightly darker including the actual background itself. This being because the front cover has already caught the reader’s attention so once inside it doesn’t need to be as in your face because you are already reading it. This links back to the target audience because the contents page starts to create a more relaxed this is what this age range wants from a magazine as something they can relax to rather than something that is too in their face.

Typography- The typography on this page is relatively simple as it doesn’t need to catch the readers attention it simply needs to inform them of what features are in side. The fonts that are used are all the same keeping to the column format of these features showing them as all being part of the same thing. The system used that works well is that the title is in bold so it still makes the reader look at it if it’s about something they are interested in. Then the writing below is slightly smaller and not bold to inform about what you will find within it. Also the page number it is in is in bold blue meaning the reader can quickly glance at the title and page number so they can easily find what they want without having to search for it. This links back to the target audience as this age range don’t want to have to read lots of information to find out what they want to know they need it to be clear and easily available for them which is why this style of typography suits them well.

Images- On this contents page there is a main image used that is the focus and this continues from the front cover by using the same model. This means that the reader is starting to feel the continuity that is being represented through the magazine and introducing the main features. The big difference though between these two images is that even though they are using the same model it is showing two completely different styles. With the fact that the one on the front cover shows the model as being an image of desire whereas this image on the contents page is more fun loving and is keeping away from this idea of the model being an image of desire. This connotes that the image of desire on the front cover was done to attract reader’s in but that once inside they wanted to create a more fun vibe away from this sex appeal. This image on the contents page disrupts Laura Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze because she is not an object of desire for other characters in the picture because there aren’t any but neither is she presenting an image of desire for the male audience because she is not posed in a ‘sexy’ manner.  

Conclusion- Overall I think this contents page is fit for purpose because it represents the needs of the target audience through showing the information of the features within the magazine in an interesting way. With the fun image creating a more relaxed attitude to the magazine compared to the front cover. Also the use of the layout with the typography creates a confined space of which to put the information without setting it out in a way that look over powering for the reader.

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