Friday 9 March 2012

Audience Profiling

The target audience for my Indie music magazine has very specific elements to the things that they like. As the genre of Indie is very specific with the styling and music always having to be individual as is obvious by the title and as something that stands out as a way to show this individuality and creativeness. For my specific magazine my target audience is mainly going to be girls at the age of about 16-24 as I want my magazine to have a high impact on the fashion side within the music. So this side is more highly based around girls as they keep up with the indie fashion by wearing clothes that a lot of people wouldn’t dare to. From this I think my target audience member would be the kind of girl that shops at high street fashion retailers but only the big ones such as Topshop being the main one here. As Topshop is one of the foremost shops for up to date fashion that is far from mainstream.

Along side this high street fashion retailers I think my target audience member would be the kind of person to also go into charity shops to pick up second hand clothing items that have a slight edge to them. This is also effective for their individual look as by buying clothing from charity shops it is unlikely that other people will have the same thing. From looking at the kind of clothing I think my target audience member would wear I think that this needs to be reflected on my cover model in order to get the target audience member interested in my magazine. As this will make them feel like this magazine is directed straight to them and is about the things they are interested in.
Another thing that can be connoted from how the target audience member dresses is that they have a very confident and outgoing personality. So I think this needs to be reflected within my magazine by choosing stories that they can actively be interested in. Such as interviews that they can read and respond to or a track list of artists that they can go away and listen to. I think using these kind of stories that can bring out their personality or by showing a famous artist having this same style and personality makes it much more personal and that my magazine is something they need in their life as it fits perfectly.

From this kind of fashion scene that my target audience member is into their music interests will also link in to this. With them being interested in music that is individual to mainstream pop so maybe having more meaning and a more garage band sound. This means that for my magazine I should include a lot of music from unknown or up and coming musicians as this is the type of music that links in with being individual and having that more unique sound. This idea of unknown musicians also links in with my target audience members image as it shows they have a more unique and further developed taste.

Another feature that needs to be added into my magazine is certain aspects that appear in my target audience members magazines that they already read. As these are something that is a part of their current lifestyle and I want my magazine to fit in with this lifestyle perfectly. I think my target audience member would read normal magazines such as cosmopolitan to look at current fashions and to discover how they can make them more individual. As for music magazines I think they would read Q, NME and Kerrang as these are some of the most popular music magazines that appeal to a wide range of tastes. I also think that certain members of my target audience would look at magazines such as ID and Dazed and Confused as these are much more unique and individual and show things in a much different stance to other magazines.

I think that my target audience member would fit into the demographic of band C1 down to E because the majority of my audience are likely to be students so they won't be earning much to be in those higher boundaries. 

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