Sunday 9 September 2012

Photoshoot Plan

Main Cover Photo-

The aim of the photoshoot for my magazine front cover is to create a final outcome that is interesting and intriguing to the target audience member. I think I can do this by using an interesting location in Cornwall that shows just how beautiful this county is. By pairing this up with some of the best Cornish fashion picks for the Autumn/Winter season it will start to create the sort of cover image that my target audience member will be interested in.


When it came to thinking about the location for my main cover photo there were a few places that came to mind. One of theses places was called Red Moor which is a small walk not too far from the town of Bodmin. I find that these walk is rather beautiful as it's surrounded by trees of which the path takes you through and you walk around a lake. I thought that a photoshoot with the model standing in front of the lake surrounded by trees would show just how beautiful the countryside is in Cornwall, but with the use of a young model in fashionable clothing it would make it look appealing to my student target audience. The other place that came to mind when thinking about my photoshoot was Polzeath beach as this is a place with a lively nightlife for young people next to the beautiful scenery of the beach. I thought that this would involve both my ideas as it would give my target audience a cover that would capture their attention as well as introducing them to all the variety of things they could do at Polzeath.

Shot types-

When thinking about the shots I want to create for my cover image there are a variety I want to try out so that I can choose between different outcomes. I would like to capture a full body image of the model surrounded by the scenery although I'm not sure how effective this would be as it goes against the common conventions of magazines which means it might not be as effective at bringing in my target audience. As of this I will also capture close-up and medium shots as these fit the common conventions so this might capture my target audience in more. I think by testing out all of these I will have a variety of different ones to chose from as I need to ensure that my cover image shows enough of the location and fashion of the model to fit the style that I would like it to. 


For my cast on this shoot all I am going to need is my cover model as in this shoot I only want one model to keep the main focus on her and the fashion she is portraying to my audience. I have chosen a model with beach-y blonde hair in order to replicate this idea of Cornish fashion because we live a life where we don't need to look perfect all the time. I think my choice in model will reflect the fun side of Cornish fashion and how it links in with the lifestyle, this is what I want my model to portray. 


For my crew I am going to need a couple of people to help me with any equipment that I will need carrying and placing. I will also need someone to do the hair and make-up of the model to ensure that she is looking as I would like her to. As well as this I am going to need a separate camera person to take photos of me doing the shoot so that I can show the process of how it went.up

  • Camera
  • Back-up Batteries
  • Model's Clothing 
  • Camera Flash
  • Tripod 
  • Studio Lights (depending on the whether)
  • Second Camera (for filming) 
  • Make-up
  • Hair accessories (spray, straighteners etc.) 

Flat Plans

Lighting Research

Studio Lighting

To create a good photo you need to ensure that the lighting is correct so that the result is best that it can be. To make sure that when I take the photos for my magazine they are the best that they can be I have looked into studio lighting techniques so that I know what I need for my shoots.

Key Light- This is the main powerful light source that creates shadows with a direct or soft light. The direct light is created through a reflector with barn doors or the soft light is created through a diffuser such as an umbrella.

Fill-in Light- This is an additional light source with diffusers, soft boxes etc. In this situation barn doors can be used to stop reflections in the places that you need to be in the dark.

The order to set flashes up- First you need to set up the background light and the hair light this will allow you to see what light sources these create. Next you set up the fill light and then the key light must be last. It is important to check what each light produces before you set up the next one so then you know which flashes to turn off and which ones to keep on.

There are several types of lighting that you can use to get different effects on a models face such as broad lighting and short lighting which includes frontal, side, back and 3/4 lighting. 

The different broad lighting includes: 

Frontal Lighting- Full lighting of the face side that is turned to the camera. 

Three Quarter Lighting- The light source is set up close next to the camera so that the light is turned to the camera side of the face. The shadow is then minimised because it is appearing on the narrow side of the face. 

The different short lighting includes: 

Three Quarter Lighting- The key light is set up to illuminate the side of the face turned aside from the camera. Minimising of the illuminated side of the face visually narrows the face.

Side Light- Partial illumination of the face side turned to the camera. A short light makes it more dramatic as it has more shadow on the face and can also make the face look slightly thinner. 

Outdoor Lighting- For outdoor lighting you need to focus on colour, direction, quantity and the quality of the light you use determine how your subjects appear. One thing that you need to remember is that daylight and sunlight are not constant sources because they can change hourly and with the weather, season and location. This changing daylight can alter the apparent shapes, colours. tones and forms of a scene. 

As my magazine has a fashion element I'm going to be looking at fashion photography there are various forms of lighting that are used specifically for this to create a certain effect. 

Back Lighting- This can be used to add a beautiful, flattering and fairytale quality to photographs which can often help emphasise the fabric of the clothing. A good technique for this is to get a sunny day and use natural light as the effect from this looks a lot better. 

Down Lighting- This helps to accentuate the mood of the photograph as the outcome is dramatic with obvious shadows and highlights which is especially effective if working with sheer fabrics. 

Natural Light- This can give you some of the best results (especially for fashion photography) as it shows true colours and presents things in their real form. Although the thing with this is that the natural light needs to be clear and obvious so it's no good using it if it's a rainy day as this won't present the setting, model or clothing well at all. 

Research into shot types

The most important rule when capturing images of people is to ensure that you don’t cut your subject at the knee, neck, elbow or anywhere, so always ensure that you are cutting your subject off in between joints. 

Extreme Close-up: The extreme close-up is used to reveal small details about the model and maybe be used to show some form of emotion that is put across to the audience member. 

Close-up: The close-up shot is used to reveal detail
in a more subtle way compared to the extreme close-up
and is less dramatic for the audience member. 

Head and Shoulders: The head and shoulders
shot is there to give just enough detail to notice the 
model’s lips and expression but isn’t there to 
go into extreme depth of this. 

Bust Shot: This shot shows your subject from above the knees to above the head and is often there to focus the audience member on a certain part of the model to attract their attention. 

Medium Shot: The medium shot is from just below the waist to above the head and is used to give more of a view of the whole model rather than a specific part of them. This is a regular shot used for the cover of magazines. 

Colour: Colour is one of the main strategies that fashion photographers use to attract their consumer I think this is highly important in my product as I am aiming at a fashion consumer audience. As well as bold colour being the obvious choice to attract an audience member's attention, you can also use muted colours as these create a completely different atmosphere for your photo and the garments in the photo. Another use of colour that has remained popular in fashion photography is the lack of it, sometimes within a magazine that is full of colour the best way to make an image stand out is for it to be in black and white as this can often create a more 'classy' look. 

The Pose: As well as thinking about the type of shots as the photographer your using it's often important to think about the pose of the model as this can completely change the image. For the product to sell you need to think of something unique and interesting that will show the garment well and to help assist the audience's attention into keeping their eyes on the photo. 

Treatment of my Product

Research into Genre

I think from looking at existing regional magazines it is quite obvious that they display themselves as more of listings magazines rather than properly giving me the information of what is good in their local area. I find that the youth in Cornwall seem to think there is nothing to do with no real opputinities, through this magazine I want to prove them wrong as I feel that Cornwall has so much to offer. One of the things that people don't realise Cornwall has is a thriving fashion scene which is why I want my magazine to have a big element on this. Assisting this will be the content on music shows and other forms of the arts as all of these have their own particular style that exists right here in Cornwall.

For my research into my genre the first place I needed to go was Vogue as this is the fashion magazine that everyone knows the name of and is still the most successful today. I wanted to look at the different parts of this magazine to see the type of content, colour schemes and structures they produce to see the kind of thing that I should incorporate into my own.

It is clear from just looking at this Vogue covers that they are striking. They instantly capture the audience's attention through the colours, tones and garments used through this you can tell that each cover is perfectly put together with deep thought into what and who to include. The interesting thing also is that even if a photo is against a studio background it isn't left plain there are colour filters, textures or even props which shows that for this genre you need the main cover to have lots going on to get it to capture attention. As well as this you can see that in each photo the emphasis is on the clothes and model showing that these need to be the focus but not in a way that has the audience member looking in different directions. In these photos the model is perfectly matched with the garments that they become one this is something highly important in the fashion genre. The text on the cover isn't important as on a lot of the covers there is only slight bits as it's about the photo and nothing else. 

Another magazine that it was key for my to look at was Dazed and Confused as this magazine covers both music and fashion in one. It gives people the latest music but it features them in the latest fashion's too. This links in well with the kind of style I want my magazine to have. What I have found with this magazine is that the style is very unique with the main photo having an unusual aspect or theme creating an attraction. I can also see on this magazine that again there is a lack of writing because the focus is on this main image. This shows that in the fashion genre the lack of text is a recurring theme and that the focus really should be on the photograph. I found that the colour schemes on these front covers were very much to fit in with the photo so that they didn't take away from it such as the cover to the right the writing is in colour because the photo is black and white as strangely this makes the photo more the focus. 

Synopsis of my Ideas


Cornwall is a beautiful and versatile county that is full of things to offer, although the image of Cornwall is often clouded with the idea that it is made up of old people. The lifestyle for younger people in Cornwall is fun, entertaining and full of exciting possibilities yet not many people actually no about this. But that will all change with my Cornish regional magazine that will be aimed straight at the younger generation while having a high fashion aspect to the magazine. This will include the best boutiques that we can offer, Cornish designers and their businesses, as well as what kind of style you can find on the streets of Cornwall. As of this the image will need to be modern and reflect the kind of style that will be reviewed in the magazine. As well as the fashion aspect I will also include features on Cornish musicians, gigs and festivals that are going on and other events as this will interest people the young people that live in Cornwall. I will also look at events that are going on at local university’s such as Falmouth and the higher education part of Truro College as this will add to the fashion aspect by showing local things that people can look at and have interest in as well as maybe showing them things that they can get involved in. My magazine will also have photography from different areas of Cornwall from coastal areas to the small city’s as this will represent the diversity that you can find here. 

How will it make money?

From looking at other regional magazines I have found that a lot of them are either free or at a very reasonable price, so because of this I have decided that mine will be priced at only £2. As this makes it a reasonable price for a magazine compared to a lot of the international magazines out there making it seem like a better option. I will also fund my magazine by having Cornish based businesses advertise in it, although as it is aimed at young people I will want companies that reflect this to be within it.