Sunday 9 September 2012

Analysis of Cornwall Today

The idea behind the magazine Cornwall Today is to appeal to a wide audience and to show them the diversity that Cornwall has to offer. This therefore means that they want to feature anything and everything within this magazine. The overall look of this cover is appealing as the photography used is bright and vibrant while also being of a high quality. This is effective because it captures the flower in a pure form and shows full detail into it which will make the audience member interested in the magazine because the image has fully caught there attention. I also think that the high level of photography and editing skills on this image is effective because it shows that a deal of care has been taken into consideration when making this cover. This also links in with the fact that the magazine is trying to appeal to all types of people while the photo almost adds a high standard and sophisticated effect which the majority of people will want to buy into. This is a good thing to be portrayed as this can create an escapist aspect for a wide audience.

The image also links in with the typography stating that the story is about the places where you can see bluebells which adds to the image of beauty that this photo portrays because now the audience member is attracted to the image and will want to buy the magazine so that they can see this for themselves. The content of the rest of the typography reflects the idea of a versatile county as it’s all stating about a slightly different story which means that it can appeal to a mass of different personalities. Also the good thing about the content of these stories is that they all show a form of going out and doing something which show that the county of Cornwall is alive and is very much disputing the idea that there isn’t anything to do in Cornwall.

I think that the colour scheme of this front cover also buys into the idea of looking sophisticated and more subtle because the colours suit in well with the main image which keeps this as the main focus. Although the use of subtle writing works well at not being overpowering it does also have a slight boring aspect as it all looks the same and isn’t very eye-catching. This can also be said for the masthead as it is a standard font and in the colour white which wouldn’t make an audience member want to buy as quickly as they can. I think these aspects of the magazine as well as the content of the typography show that the magazine doesn’t meet the idea of being suitable for all types of people as this wouldn’t appeal to young people. All of these things add up to a much older audience with maybe people of an age where they aren’t working much and need things to do in their spare time. From looking at this Cornish Magazine and the fact that it states it’s the best selling magazine for Cornwall it shows me again that there is a need for a magazine that shows young people what they can do.

Above is a screenshot from the 'Cornwall Today' website of which I can look at how it reflects the ideals it is meant to portray. The main focus is on the photographs as they give off the sophisticated vibe that links to the older target audience. This is done through the fact that these photos are of a high standard and quality showing clearly the features behind them. This takes away from the garish appeal that would have been more for a younger audience. As well as the photographs the colour scheme also assists this sophisticated look by being subtle. This is done through the use of simple colours such as the white and blue as the main colours linking in nicely with the greens displayed in the photographs. This makes it look more appealing in a way that's modern and almost higher class rather than 'in your face'. The links on the website are also well fitting to the target audience as they are easy to access with the bar at the top of the screen linking to certain sections, as well as by clicking on the pictures which leads to what the stories are behind them.

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