Sunday 9 September 2012

Research into shot types

The most important rule when capturing images of people is to ensure that you don’t cut your subject at the knee, neck, elbow or anywhere, so always ensure that you are cutting your subject off in between joints. 

Extreme Close-up: The extreme close-up is used to reveal small details about the model and maybe be used to show some form of emotion that is put across to the audience member. 

Close-up: The close-up shot is used to reveal detail
in a more subtle way compared to the extreme close-up
and is less dramatic for the audience member. 

Head and Shoulders: The head and shoulders
shot is there to give just enough detail to notice the 
model’s lips and expression but isn’t there to 
go into extreme depth of this. 

Bust Shot: This shot shows your subject from above the knees to above the head and is often there to focus the audience member on a certain part of the model to attract their attention. 

Medium Shot: The medium shot is from just below the waist to above the head and is used to give more of a view of the whole model rather than a specific part of them. This is a regular shot used for the cover of magazines. 

Colour: Colour is one of the main strategies that fashion photographers use to attract their consumer I think this is highly important in my product as I am aiming at a fashion consumer audience. As well as bold colour being the obvious choice to attract an audience member's attention, you can also use muted colours as these create a completely different atmosphere for your photo and the garments in the photo. Another use of colour that has remained popular in fashion photography is the lack of it, sometimes within a magazine that is full of colour the best way to make an image stand out is for it to be in black and white as this can often create a more 'classy' look. 

The Pose: As well as thinking about the type of shots as the photographer your using it's often important to think about the pose of the model as this can completely change the image. For the product to sell you need to think of something unique and interesting that will show the garment well and to help assist the audience's attention into keeping their eyes on the photo. 

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