Sunday 9 September 2012

Legal Restraints

When publishing a magazine there are many things you have to be careful with when it comes to the content and because of this magazines have two regulatory bodies that monitor what is said in the magazine. These two bodies are the PCC and the ASA, they both have different jobs of what they must regulate. The PCC monitor what the magazine publishes and whether the content is suitable for the audience that it is targeting. As well as this they have set up certain codes and regulations that the publishers and editors must follow. This includes 'accuracy' this is to ensure that the content is as true as possible as to not supply false information, this is also the same for images. Another is 'opputinity to reply' which means that the content must cover both sides of the story so as not to enforce a certain side on the reader, as well as this they must be open to add reply's if any of the information is inaccurate. The last rule is 'privacy' meaning that what they publish they need to have the permission of the person's involved and to ensure that it doesn't go against certain things that the person has asked not to be printed. The ASA controls the adverts that are put in magazines to ensure they are fit for purpose and the target audience.


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