Sunday 9 September 2012

Analysis of Billboard Advertisement

When I was trying to find magazine billboard advertising to analyze so that I can look at what I need to do for mine, I found that it was difficult to find advertising for the actual magazines so instead I have analyzed a variety of billboard advertisements for different things.

This billboard advertisement is for a new film coming out so therefore the aim of this billboard is to attract the target audience in so that they will go and watch the film. As this film is a sequel the target audience is going to be people that enjoyed the first one and also new people to the series. As of this the main image is introducing the new villain which therefore gets the audience excited to see what he will be like in the film. The main attraction behind this billboard advert is the drama within the photograph itself this is focused around the idea of the make-up used on the villain because it creates a mystery around him. Because the audience won’t have seen this character before this will intrigue them and they will want to know more about him. As well as this the subtle detail of the flames behind the date add connotations surrounding what will happen in the film, the fire connoting that they will be danger, anger and violence. 

The idea of violence is also reflected in the glare of the character and the dark tones that are used throughout the image. Although the way the tones of the light are created in the photo it shows the light in the distance and the dark coming in from the sides. This could show one of two things with the darkness coming it connoting that the darkness is coming in with this character that either it follows him or he brings it. While the light in the background could either connote that the lighter times are far away and are a distant memory. Or this could show the light at the end of the tunnel that the end of this film could bring some happiness. This billboard advertisement would also be effective because of the star vehicle surrounding the character as it is Heath Ledger his fans will be intrigued and might even watch the film simply because of him. Also in the case of this film it is based around the Batman comics so people that are a fan of this will want to watch it to see how the villain is going to come across in this film.

The key to billboard advertising is producing something that is going to have an effect on the audience and capture their attention. That is why this particular advert is so effective because it’s not got any writing to state what it’s advertising because it’s not needed, as the purpose is clear. By replicating the product in a larger form it is showing the audience exactly what they want them to buy into. The thing with this particular advert is because it’s chocolate it’s trying to capture people in through the idea of indulgence and guilty pleasure. It’s playing with these ideas because of the life size chocolate bar its going to make people want it and people are going to imagine how nice it would be to be eating one. The other thing here is that they have ensured that the chocolate bar looks like its been savagely ripped open so it’s actually revealing the contents so that people can see the temptation and want it more. 

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