Sunday 9 September 2012

Synopsis of my Ideas


Cornwall is a beautiful and versatile county that is full of things to offer, although the image of Cornwall is often clouded with the idea that it is made up of old people. The lifestyle for younger people in Cornwall is fun, entertaining and full of exciting possibilities yet not many people actually no about this. But that will all change with my Cornish regional magazine that will be aimed straight at the younger generation while having a high fashion aspect to the magazine. This will include the best boutiques that we can offer, Cornish designers and their businesses, as well as what kind of style you can find on the streets of Cornwall. As of this the image will need to be modern and reflect the kind of style that will be reviewed in the magazine. As well as the fashion aspect I will also include features on Cornish musicians, gigs and festivals that are going on and other events as this will interest people the young people that live in Cornwall. I will also look at events that are going on at local university’s such as Falmouth and the higher education part of Truro College as this will add to the fashion aspect by showing local things that people can look at and have interest in as well as maybe showing them things that they can get involved in. My magazine will also have photography from different areas of Cornwall from coastal areas to the small city’s as this will represent the diversity that you can find here. 

How will it make money?

From looking at other regional magazines I have found that a lot of them are either free or at a very reasonable price, so because of this I have decided that mine will be priced at only £2. As this makes it a reasonable price for a magazine compared to a lot of the international magazines out there making it seem like a better option. I will also fund my magazine by having Cornish based businesses advertise in it, although as it is aimed at young people I will want companies that reflect this to be within it.                        


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