Sunday 9 September 2012

Initial thought on Genre/Style

From looking into different regional magazines around the area of Cornwall I have found that none of them are aimed at the younger age group but rather tourists and older people. I think aiming at the younger generation within Cornwall is a very marketable area as it’s a unique avenue that hasn’t been aimed at yet. There is a need for a magazine to really show young people the amount of things that they have in their county because a lot of them do not realise what’s around. Within this I want there to be a big focus on the fashion element of the magazine as Cornwall isn’t really a place none for style yet I think there is a lot around and want to highlight this. As well as this there will be a focus on music, food, art and shows as these are all things that can show young people everything that they can do for fun and show them how easily accessible it really is. 

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