Monday 9 April 2012

Contents Page Process

This is the image that I chose to use for the main image on my contents page. I decided on this one because of the way the model is facing it will fit perfectly in the left hand side corner so then it won't take up the whole page but will be the main focus of the image. To be able to get the image into the position I would like it to be in I needed to get rid of the background so that I only had the model. To do this I used the magic wand tool to outline the model then delete the background.

After I deleted the background I was able to move the image into the corner where I wanted it to go. 

I decided to edit the image slightly by saturating the colour to make it look slightly faded as well as making the brightness levels to make her look more flawless. I made the picture look more faded to make it different from the front cover image as the front cover image really needs to attract people's attention it needs to be bright but the contents image doesn't need to as much. So the faded effect just adds into the independent feel of the magazine. As well as this I copied over the masthead to put it in the top left hand corner but as it was sized for the front cover I needed to make it smaller because it didn't need to be that big on this page. 

I made the masthead small enough to fit in the top corner so that it's there but not too overpowering, I also did this same thing with the title of "Contents" because it needed to be there but doesn't need to be in the readers face. After this I then needed to add another picture to give different areas of interest for the reader, although this image was to big so I needed to resize it for it to look right on my contents page. 

I re-sized the image to fir the top right corner and to make it stand out a bit more as part of the background I added a white border around it almost as if to make it look like a poloroid image as this is fitting with the style of my magazine. I then started to put the text on of which articles are on which page, I decided that I would stick to the fonts that I had used on my front cover as this creates a flow between the two pages. 

For the writing on my contents page I stuck to the convention of having the article title in bold and then having some information about it in a small font below. This works well because it means the reader can see clearly where the article is but if they want to read a bit of what it's about before they get to it then they can. Another thing that I noticed on other contents pages that I looked at was that the page number was always in a more vibrant colour so sticking to my colour theme I put them in the light blue as this means the reader can see them easily as they stand out more. 

I continued all the text in the same way also ensuring that I kept it going around the outline of the model as this creates a nice layout with everything looking in it's place rather than all just put all over the place. I also decided to brighten up the main model's image a bit more as I thought that the saturation looked a bit too washed out and didn't fit in properly. As well as this I added the "exclusive" graphic onto the main model to show that this is the main feature of the magazine and to show that no other magazine will have this information as this will attract the reader to wanting to read this. I also decided that for the "Regulars" section I needed an individual stand first for it to stand out so I decided the idea of a post it note would fit into the individuality of my magazine and create an extra interest to attract the reader's attention. 

I added the regular information onto the post it note as this builds more of a relationship with the reader by having the regular section because they can become familiar with some of the things within the magazine. On the regular post it note I ensured that the writing was laid out in the same way so that it still linked with the above information. 

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