Monday 9 April 2012

Masthead Choices

These magazine mastheads above show some of the conventions behind magazine mastheads. These conventions behind mastheads are that a masthead needs to take up an 1/8 of the whole front cover. This means that the font chosen needs to be one that will look good in a big font. Another convention behind a masthead is that it needs to be a font that stands out so it needs to be bold and have something interesting involved in it so that the audience member gets attracted to it.

These four mastheads above are ones that I found would fit in with the style of my magazine. I think all of these would work well at being a large enough font to fit in with the convention. Although I'm not sure if all of them would be eye-catching enough. As my magazine is meant to have a unique style I wanted the masthead to be slightly different to others already out there. I decided that the best masthead out of these is the first one as it's the most eye-catching yet still fits in with the originality side of my magazine. This also reflects some of the mastheads already out there as there is often some form of border around the masthead to make it clear. So this means that my masthead will be clear yet still slightly different to existing ones. 

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