Monday 9 April 2012

Original Images

I think this works well for a live photo as it captures the singer in action which is the type of thing my target audience would be interested in as they want to be able to imagine that they were there. As well as this the image works because the lighting is quite good for a live photo and it's close up so that you can actually see who it is. 

This image has most of the same aspects as the one above although I think this one is slightly better because you can see the singers face more clearly and therefore can see who it is and what they are doing. This image is more likely to interest the target audience because they can see more clearly what she is doing. 

I think that this photo isn't as good as the rest because it's more blurry and the lighting is a bit out as the colours are yellow. This makes it overall a lot less clear meaning that the target reader might not be able to make out who it is or think that the image is bad so therefore they might not be interested. 

I like this image because it has the added aspect of the balloons that the artist is holding which will make the reader intrigued as they want to know what the balloons are about. This would therefore create a good link between the imagery and the actual article itself. 

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