Monday 9 April 2012

Original Images

I like this photo above because the model looks elegant in the way she is holding herself which is the kind of image I want for my front cover as it shows a female in a light that isn't just about sexiness. I also like in this photo the added detail of the flowers in her hair because it adds a bit of uniqueness that is part of the Indie genre yet still works well for the imagery in this photo. The only thing that I don't like about this one is that you can't see much of the model's outfit which makes it less of a representation for my target audience. 

I like this photo because it displays a completely different edge to the first photo as here she is representing more of an angry rocker which is the kind of angle I think looks interesting and is likely to get the target audience interested. The other aspects within this photo are mostly the same as the one above as it isn't that different. Although here you can see more of the detail on her clothing which is more representative of the target audience although I think for my cover image I would still want more of a full outfit than this. 

I think this photo already looks better for a cover image as you can see her full outfit which makes it link in more with my target audience. As well as this the use of the different outfit looks better as it's brighter colours which makes it much more likely to be able to attract the reader's attention. I also think that this style of image would be better for the writing to fit around it because it's centred so will ensure that the text fits around it easily. 

I like this photo because of the way that the model is posed as it makes a good image because she looks so natural on the front cover which is always true of the models on front covers as it portrays them in a flawless beauty way. As well as this I think she is adding focus to the clothing on the way she is holding it which links to my target audience as style is important in their lives so it needs to be shown that it is also important in this magazine. As well as the above image this image would also be good for a front cover as it would be able to have the text fitting around it nicely. 

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