Monday 9 April 2012

Front Cover Process

This is the image that I started with for my front cover, I think this image works well because she is centred which makes it easy to put text around her. Also she is looking directly at the audience member which makes them more likely to get drawn in. I edited this image by making the brightness and contrast levels higher to ensure that stands out more and looks bold. To make this even more apparent I added spotlights on her face and hair to make her look more flawless and to give her more of a shine that is always clear on magazine front covers. 

After editing the main image the next step was to decide where to place the masthead and how big to make it. I put my masthead in the top left corner as this is a common convention of magazines so I thought I should stick to this to ensure that my magazine looks just as professional. I made it this size because it is big enough to be noticeable for an audience member to be attracted to straight away but I didn't want it to be too big so that it started taking over from the models face. 

The next step after placing the masthead was to start putting the text around the main image. As this first piece of text is the main article because it's about the model featured on the front cover, I thought that it should be right at the top because being will notice this first. As well as this I though it should be quite big and in a different font that stood out. I chose this handwriting font because it links in with the genre of my magazine because this font is more individual therefore suiting what my genre stands for. 

As I continued to put the rest of the text on I decided that I wouldn't use the handwriting font anywhere else because then it wouldn't stand out as much. Instead I started to use fonts that looked a lot more like the professional bold fonts used on magazines that already exist. I think this starts to make it looks professional and as if it's an actual magazine rather than one just made simply. I also used the + symbol to link to more stories rather than just putting and because it means there's less writing for the reader which means it isn't text heavy. As well as this I think it looks more effective being a symbol because the reader is more likely to look at it then. 

I kept with the idea of keeping my fonts relatively similar as it creates a flow on the front cover and gives it the professional aspect by creating a theme within the front cover. As well as this I kept a simple colour theme with the light blue, black and white as this makes it look appealing to the reader and doesn't look garish like it would with too many colours used. Especially as there is already the added colour from the model's cardigan it looks more effective for the text to remain in a simple colour theme. An extra detail I noticed on other magazine covers is the idea that certain parts of the text should be highlighted in a different colour or in bold. So I added this detail in my text so that the overall cover stands out more for the target audience as it has these little details that give it the professional aspect. 

I furthered from the screenshot by filling out the front cover more with different stories but still keeping to the same idea of having similar fonts and a simple colour scheme. The thing I made sure I did with the stories that I put on the cover was to ensure that they were worded in  a way that would attract a reader into buying the magazine. An example of this is the line "The up and coming sounds you will not want to miss" as this line is telling the reader that they don't want to miss out on this information and therefore making them want to buy the magazine. 

I decided that to make my front cover look more interesting I added the yellow spot with a "plus" section of different artists that will be in this issue. I found this is a common thing to appear on magazine front covers and is a good idea as some people will see the name of an artist they like and will buy it just for them. As well as this it adds another area of interest because the yellow stands out which will capture the readers attention and make them more likely to look at the magazine. 

On this I just added the intricate features that must be on a magazine cover, these were the barcode and on the barcode the date and issue number. As these let the consumer obviously know the price and they can find out how recent the magazine is. 

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