Monday 9 April 2012

Feature Article Plan

I have decided that I would like my feature article to be a mix-up of a gig review and an interview. I have came up with the story of a band that have split up and the lead singer has then released a solo album. So for my feature article the introduction will be the review of the singer's first solo gig and then an interview with her about the real reason behind the split and how she prefers being solo. This idea would work well as the main article within the magazine as I'm going down the line that this interview would be exclusive and that the split reasons wouldn't have been released anywhere else. Therefore this would make the reader interested in wanting to read the article. For the images I will use ones from my first photoshoot that I haven't used yet as it is the same artist as on my front cover. But as I'm also reviewing her gig I will use some live photos too, so therefore the imagery is slightly different to the other pages.

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