Monday 9 April 2012

Feature Article Process

I decided to use this image for my feature article as it creates a nice layout by taking up the majority of the second page which will create a nice balance between the text and imagery. As well as that it also works well because of the irony as the title of the article is "Daisy Breaks the Silence" yet she is telling the reader to ssh. To make this image work I needed to make sure I got the background of the image to be the same as the main background. I decided to make them both a pale blue/white colour as it fits in nicely with the style of my magazine.

For the title I decided to keep the font the same as it was for the article advert on the front cover as this creates a flow between the two. It also works well again for the style of my magazine as it's a handwriting style font that doesn't look too formal because that isn't the style of my magazine.

I decided to put the rest of the images in a line across the bottom as the main image has a clear line that needs to be covered up to ensure that it doesn't look out of place. But to make sure that the photos across the bottom didn't look too confined or out of place I made a border around them to make them look like poloroid photos. As this fits in with the individual style of my magazine and creates a different aspect to the feature article to interest the reader.

I continued this idea with the images along the bottom using a mix of studio and live photos to create a different look for the reader and to ensure their interest is kept on the article. I also added the masthead next to the main title as I found this was a common convention on other magazine articles as it makes sure that the name of the magazine is in the reader's head the whole time so that they remember where they read the article. As well as this I started to add the main text onto the article, I put the grids up on photoshop to start to work out where to place everything.

I then placed the rest of the text in to work out how much room I would have for each column to go into, this helped me to work out how it will look good.

As the columns I made on photoshop weren't all completely even, I put the text into indesign so that I could get them all the exact same size as this is a common convention of a feature article. I worked out how high they would need to be the gaps I had on my photoshop article then I made sure each column was this size.

I decided that the layout of the text wouldn't fit in properly on my feature article as it all looked too crowded and not as professional as I would like it too. So I changed it into two higher columns as I decided that these would fit in much better on my article.

As I had changed the layout of the text I had to change the rest of the article as well so that it all fit together. I moved the title against the left side as this way I could make it bigger because it needed to be to fit the conventions of an article. I think this looks a lot better as it make the article look a lot less text heavy and makes it laid out better. As well as doing this I used the grids to help me find the middle of the page so I marked it on for the moment with a black line so that I could move the pictures and text to make sure they didnt go down the fold.

On this screenshot I changed the beginning A and the questions into the same blue as the masthead so that these stand out seperately from the rest of the text as this is done in most feature articles. It also shows the seperation of what the interviewer is saying and what the artist is saying.

As an extra detail I decided to add a little daisy graphic to dot the I's on the title. I did this because it's a slightly cheesy aspect as the artist's name is Daisy but it adds a fun factor that the reader will like as it's another element of interest but yet it still links in with the article content. It also looks good on the overall article and still fits in with the style of my magazine.

I was pleased with the overall completed article as it looks how I wanted it to in each aspect as it presents the style of my magazine nicely by using the imagery and colours that fit my genre, while still keeping to feature article conventions. 

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